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Featured model - Orthotopic glioblastoma mouse model

01 / 07 / 2020

Our syngeneic glioma mouse model, based on the intracranial inoculation of Luc2-expressing GL261 cells and bioluminescence imaging for tumor growth monitoring, represents a suitable tool for chemo- and immunotherapy assessment. It closely mimics the human disease in terms of tumor progression and anti-tumor response, and recapitulates glioblastoma characteristic features including among others tumor immune cell infiltration and tumor-induced immunosuppression.

Model responsiveness to standard Temozolomide and immune checkpoint inhibitors i.e. anti-CTLA4, anti-PD1, and anti-PDL1 antibodies, makes it well-suited for testing candidate compounds for their efficacy, as single agents and/or in combination, in promoting anti-tumor activity.

Explicyte is proud to be a certified Nanostring partner - Let’s start the Digital Spatial Profiling revolution together

12 / 08 / 2019

Explicyte is proud to be a certified Nanostring partner -  Let’s start the Digital Spatial Profiling revolution together

To deal with this level of complexity, it’s therefore critical to benefit from technological platform allowing for specific investigation in compartments of interest (eg. tumor vs stroma). Thanks to the GeoMx® platform (Nanostring Inc.), which combines the spatial resolution of immunohistofluorescence with the high-plex gene/protein expression analysis, the Digital Spatial Profiling (DSP) revolution has started.

Explicyte is CIR approved!

10 / 28 / 2019

We are proud to announce that the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research has recognised Explicyte / Immusmol SAS as a "Credit Import Recherche" (CIR) approved research and development service provider.

Explicyte obtient l'agrément CIR !

10 / 24 / 2019

Nous sommes heureux de vous informer que le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation a remis un avis favorable au dossier de demande d’agrément Crédit Impôt Recherche déposé par Explicyte / Immusmol SAS.