Privacy Policy

Last update: December 5, 2023

Thank you for your interest in Explicyte, a brand of Immusmol SAS company. We are committed to protecting the security and privacy of your data, as a visitor and as a customer. In compliance with French law n°78-17 and its amendments, as well as Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons about the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for users in the European data region, we thus want to ensure you can access, modify or delete any personal information collected by us. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection and use of information/data received from you and/or your company.

Explicyte / Immusmol SAS’s website provides prospects, possible customers, and other people with information regarding our company and activities. This website is particularly dedicated to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and academic life science communities to whom we provide contents, presentations of models and services, representative results, news, publications, or special offers related to our activities.

The use of the website is subject to this Privacy Policy, which you may at any time print or download. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time by updating the revised policy at this location.

Collected information and use

We may collect, record and analyze information of visitors to our website. We may record your IP address and use cookies as well as gather data about visits to the website, including numbers of visitors , visits, geo-location data, length of time spent on the site, pages clicked on or where visitors have come from.

Furthermore, we may collect and process any personal data that could be provided during a site visit. Such personal data may also include your first and last name, your postal and email address, your telephone number, your job title, your areas of interest, your interest in Explicyte’s offers, and certain information about the company you are working for (company name and address).

We use the collected data / personal data to communicate with visitors and prospects and to improve our website by analyzing how visitors navigate it. We are committed to collecting only the minimum amount of data necessary for the proper functioning of the service provided.

Sharing of personal data

Most importantly, we do not sell customer or prospective customer information—whether it is your personal information or the fact that you are or may become a customer—to anyone. We do not provide your personal data to external mailing lists either.

We may share information about you with our employees, affiliates, successors, and agents/representatives, who are required to treat the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Access of third parties to your data and use of your personal information is limited as much as possible.

In particular, collected personal data could be forwarded to the following third parties: OVH ( as website hoster  (data location : France); Google Analytics ( as analytical tool (data location : worldwide); MailJet ( and/or Mailchimp ( as mailing tools for sending e-mails, newsletters and commercial e-mails (data location: worldwide); Google Inc. ( and/or Amazon Inc. ( as storage / backup  (data location: worldwide); WordPress as website technical operator (; LittleBigStudio ( as web agency.

Data storage

Collected personal data could be stored by the following third parties: OVH ( as website hoster  (data location : France); Google Analytics ( as analytical tool (data location : worldwide); MailJet ( and/or Mailchimp ( as mailing tools for sending e-mails, newsletters and commercial e-mails (data location: worldwide); Google Inc. ( and/or Amazon Inc. ( as storage / backup  (data location: worldwide); WordPress as website technical operator (; LittleBigStudio ( as web agency.


Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a website to a visitor’s hard disk. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. By continuing to visit the website, you agree to the placement of cookies on your device. If you choose not to accept our cookies, we cannot guarantee that your experience will be as fulfilling as it would otherwise be.

Links to other sites

Please be aware that while visiting our website, you may follow links to websites of possible partners or companies of the same field. We are not responsible for the contents and privacy policy of these other sites.

Access and Opt-Out

By submitting details or confirming your consent, you are indicating your consent to receive information related to your request, as well as to products and services offered by Explicyte / Immusmol, as allowed by law.
You can have access to your personal data and send any request about them by writing to us here.
You can also have the opportunity to opt-out receiving requested emails, news, and other communication by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our communication emails, by writing to us here or at the address listed below:
Explicyte / Immusmol SAS
229 Cours de l’Argonne
33076 Bordeaux Cedex


The data are kept for the duration of use of the service. We will not retain data longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected or as required by applicable laws or regulations. Data can also be stored for an additional duration in connection with the periods of prescription and legal retention for reasons strictly limited and authorized by law (payment, guarantee, litigation, etc.).


Please be aware that navigating our website shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of our security and privacy policy, together with our Terms of Service. We may update such documents from time to time. We therefore recommend you read the latest version of each document at the beginning of every visit.

Legal obligation to disclose personal information

We will reveal a user’s personal information without his/her prior permission only if we have good reason to believe that this is legally required. For example, if we have reason to believe that the disclosure of this information is required to establish the identity of a person suspected of (deliberately or otherwise) infringing rights or property belonging to Explicyte / Immusmol or to others who could be harmed by his/her activities, to contact him/her, or to initiate legal proceedings against this person.

Data protection contact

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or claims regarding our security and privacy policy.

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