Conversing with Professor Antoine Italiano, a worldwide expert on early drug development, phase I oncology trials and immuno-oncology, upon the release of a recent article in Clinical Cancer Research.
Over the past four years, Explicyte and Bergonié Institute have been conducting joint translational research programs. Among these efforts, Explicyte and a research team led by Pr. Italiano at Bergonié Institute identified a key biomarker predictive of the efficacy of immunotherapy in oncology.
The CONDOR consortium, led by Pr. Antoine Italiano of the Bergonié Institute (Bordeaux, France) is one of the 17 national awardees in the fifth call for projects in Hospital-University Research in Health (RHU5).
To assess whether or not the tumor immune contexture was predictive of response to the Avelumab-Regorafenib combination regimen, Explicyte developed and ran a multiplexed immunohistofluorescence panel, in addition to Dapi.
Explicyte and Institut Bergonié have entered into a collaboration to conjointly drive a translational research program aiming at identifying resistance mechanisms to immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer patients.
Eurostars, a European joint programme, co-funded from the national budgets of several EUREKA countries and by the European Union through Horizon 2020 has awarded, through a highly-competitive selection process, the Project “A novel modified natural killer (NK) cell immunotherapy for the treatment of solid tumours” – MODIFY-NK.