A new anti-PD1 resistant mouse sarcoma model, ovarian cancer ascites as a remarkable tool for translational research or our GeoMx platform to support your spatial transcriptomics programs, check out our best highlights of 2022!

Stay connected, great things are coming next year!

Development & characterization of an anti-PD1 resistant mouse sarcoma model

To identify and tackle novel suppressive mechanisms underlying resistance to immune checkpoint blockers, we developed and characterized a preclinical sarcoma model resistant to anti-PD1 therapy (MCA205-R) – a prerequisite for better Soft Tissue Sarcoma (immuno)therapies.

Ovarian cancer ascites is a remarkable tool for translational research & therapeutic testing

Our translational data bring to the fore many key opportunities that Ovarian Cancer Ascites (OCA) offer as a liquid biopsy tool, taking advantage from the crosstalk between cell components and soluble factors-mediated cues, but also as a uniquely valuable substrate to understand suppressive & resistance mechanisms, analyze the response to therapies, and identify potentially targetable markers.

Let’s benefit from our GeoMx platform to support your spatial transcriptomics programs


To pursue our commitment to expand cutting-edge approaches for the identification and discovery of novel biomarkers and actionnable therapeutic targets, we implemented the GeoMx DSP technology platform which was already referenced in scientific publications this year, notably in JITC and Nature Medicine.

Our scientific achievements valued in many communications and events


As usualy, we attended SITC, AACR and ASCO meetings this year where we presented our latest advances from the work of our teams. Many of these works relying on our expertise and key collaborations were published in peer-review journals including Nature Medicine, Annals of Oncology and more.

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