In a recent collaborative work (1) supervised by Pr A. Italiano and published in Nature Cancer (2), we highlighted that the presence of mature tertiary lymphoid structures (mTLS) – a structure of prominent B cell follicles and follicular dendritic cells adjoined to a CD4/CD8 T cell-containing zone – is a new predictive biomarker for response for immune checkpoint blockers.

On large series of tumor samples from three independent patient cohorts, mTLS were captured through the automated application (Ventana Discovery XT™, Roche Diagnostics) of a multiplexed immunohistofluorescence panel consisting of CD4, CD8, CD20, CD21, and CD23 markers, and multispectral image acquisition (Vectra® Polaris™, Akoya Biosciences) and analysis. Particularly, this outstanding work evidenced unique Explicyte capacities spanning from stainings to image artificial intelligence-based analysis, strongly suited to support digital pathology programs aiming at biomarker and/or novel target evaluation & identification.


Explicyte integrated histology platform - mature tertiary lymphoid structures (mTLS)

Image field of mature TLS revealed by multiplexed IHF in a primary dedifferentiated liposarcoma:
The mature stage of TLS was evaluated using an immunofluorescence approach multiplexing CD4, CD8, CD20, CD21 and CD23 markers. Results are representative of 540 tumors analyzed (discovery cohort, n = 328; validation cohort A, n = 131; validation cohort B, n = 81).

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(1) Institut Bergonié, Institut Gustave Roussy, INSERM, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, and Explicyte
(2) Vanherseck et al., Nature Cancer, 2021Mature tertiary lymphoid structures predict immune checkpoint inhibitor efficacy in solid tumors independently of PD-L1 expression.

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