We’re excited to share this comprehensive review on Tertiary Lymphoid Structures (TLS), highlighting the work of Florent Peyraud, an oncologist from the Institut Bergonié. Florent completed his PhD thesis at Explicyte under the guidance of Prof. Antoine Italiano (Institut Bergonié/Gustave Roussy). Congratulations, Florent!

This review delves into recent advancements in TLS research, covering:

  • TLS composition, maturation status, and prevalence across tumor types
  • The role of TLS in antitumor immunity and prognosis, including their predictive value in response to immunotherapy
  • Therapeutic strategies: drivers of TLS formation, relevant preclinical models, and the induction of TLS using cytokines, chemokines, or existing cancer treatments.

Our translational team, who co-authored this review, has developed specialized expertise in the detection and scoring of tertiary lymphoid structure (TLS), combining digital pathology and pathologist-assisted image analysis.

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