Explicyte Immuno-Oncology was launched in 2015 in Bordeaux, by French immunologist Alban Bessede. His goal: to provide scientists and clinicians with dedicated expertise and capacities in immuno-oncology, to identify novel targets and develop novel immunotherapies.
Beginning with a specific know-how in syngeneic tumor models treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, the company rapidly expanded its preclinical services, developing capabilities in flow cytometry & digital pathology to analyze immune and tumor markers in preclinical and clinical specimens.
In 2020, Explicyte Immuno-Oncology relocated to the Bergonié Comprehensive Cancer Center. Since then, the company has established a translational unit, bringing together medical expertise and the latest technologies in precision medicine, such as spatial transcriptomics and advanced proteomics.
Alban Bessede, PhD
Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Imane Nafia, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Jean-Philippe Guégan, PhD
Chief Technology Officer
Loïc Cerf, MSc
Chief Operations Officer
Explicyte is the daughter brand of Immusmol, founded in 2012 by Alban Bessede, PhD, with the support of Schiever Group.
About Explicyte Immuno-Oncology- Preclinical & Translational CRO
As a preclinical and translational Contract Research Organization (CRO), Explicyte provides innovative services to the pharmaceutical industry to support drug development programs with a service offer combining both in-vitro / ex-vivo & in-vivo approaches. Our services are based on off-the-shelf assay but our expertise also relies on assay customization – so as to better fit with our Sponsor’s needs. Our team – coming from industrial and academic institutions – is continuously committed to bringing its best scientific and project management expertise, so as to provide our sponsor with rapid, robust and reproducible results obtained from permanently evolving experimental platforms. After a Contact request, the project starts with a Study Designer who evaluates the project and establishes a specific appropriate scientific design so as to best address the Sponsor’s needs. The study Proposal is then written accordingly, detailing study description, budget, and timeline. Upon Study Proposal approval, a detailed Study Protocol describing all the experimental/technical parameters of the study is drafted and provided to the Sponsor for his approval. Afterward, the study is implemented and initiated according to the timelines previously defined. Experiments are launched and performed according to the agreed Study Protocol. The Sponsor is then regularly informed and is periodically and timely provided with Study Progress Reports throughout the study. A final & complete Study Report, including experimental results, analyzed and interpreted, as well as statistical analyses and raw data, is delivered at the end of the study. All the results are then discussed with the Sponsor, which could help with decision-making and open up perspectives.